California Prosecutors Win Unfair Competition Suit Against Candymaker

Previously on our blog, we explained the nature of unfair competition lawsuits, and also gave examples of recent cases involving unfair competition claims. One of the cases we mentioned has reached a resolution, and the final judgment shows how steep unfair competition penalties can be. District attorneys in Yolo, Sacramento and San Joaquin counties successfully sued Pennsylvania-based R.M. Palmer Co., the candy company behind “Too Tall Bunny,” a chocolate bunny marketed as “too tall” for the box it...

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Liability in an ADA Compliant Commercial Lease

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires anyone who owns, leases, or operates a place of public accommodation to make sure that the place or premises complies with ADA guidelines. This means that when drafting an ADA compliant commercial lease, a property owner must address how the parties to the agreement will comply with the ADA, and who will absorb the cost of a potential ADA lawsuit. Title III of the ADA requires "barrier removal"...

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