Corporate Officer Compensation

The procedures for compensating a corporate officer and setting corporate officer compensation will depend on the type of business entity in operation, the industry, the entity’s profitability, and the corporate bylaws and/or operating agreement.  In general, corporate officer compensation is permitted so long as it is “reasonable” for their efforts in carrying on a trade or business.  In such cases, a corporate officer is often considered an employee of a corporation, and is paid as...

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Misrepresentation in a Contract

If a party was dishonest about a material fact during the drafting process of a contract, the other party may be able to take the contract to court and argue that it should be rescinded, or cancelled, due to misrepresentation.  Moreover, if the honest party performed the contract because he, she, or it justifiably relied on the misrepresentation in a contract of material fact, he, she, or it may be able to collect damages...

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Examples of Unconscionable Contract Terms

A court may find that a contract, or some of its terms, should not be enforced if the contract as a whole or certain contract terms are unconscionable.  Regardless of whether you are drafting a contract or signing one, it is important to understand what types of contract terms may be found unconscionable. Below are a few examples and specific considerations. Courts commonly describe unconscionable  contracts or contract terms as those that  “shock the conscience.”...

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Title Insurance: Why It’s Important and Why You Need It

Title insurance protects real estate owners and lenders from property loss or damage that could arise from defects in the title to the property, or damages due to liens and/or encumbrances.  Each title insurance policy is different, as each one will have different terms and conditions. For most types of insurance (such as car or health insurance), the insured generally pays a monthly premium to protect against potential future events. With title insurance, the insured...

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What is a Forum Selection Clause?

Whether you are drafting a contract or reviewing one before signing it, it is important to understand the significance of a Forum Selection Clause. Although you may never need to use it, in the event of a dispute a Forum Selection Clause may become critical. A forum selection clause is a provision in a contract in which the parties agree that any litigation resulting from that contract will be initiated in a specific forum. In other words, it...

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