Liability in an ADA Compliant Commercial Lease

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires anyone who owns, leases, or operates a place of public accommodation to make sure that the place or premises complies with ADA guidelines. This means that when drafting an ADA compliant commercial lease, a property owner must address how the parties to the agreement will comply with the ADA, and who will absorb the cost of a potential ADA lawsuit. Title III of the ADA requires "barrier removal"...

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Quiet Enjoyment for a Commercial Tenant in California

Previously on our blog, we have discussed the many differences between rights held by residential as opposed to commercial tenants. Recently we examined how both residential and commercial tenants have a right to quiet enjoyment of their rented property, but that it is sometimes more difficult for commercial tenants to escape the term of a lease for a violation of the covenant. Here, we will discuss what quiet enjoyment means for a commercial tenant. The...

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Negotiating a Commercial Lease

Unlike run of the mill residential leases, many terms of commercial leases are usually negotiable, although your leverage in the negotiation will be affected by your real estate knowledge and the current rental market. For example, if there is a surplus of commercial space available in your preferred area, you will likely have more leverage to negotiate terms with a prospective landlord.  Similarly, having confidence in and being informed about the terms of the...

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